Agence WordPress Be API | Our case studies | Fresh fruits & vegetables : Creation of a media site

Fresh fruit & vegetables: Creation of a media site

Created in 1976, Interfel is the interprofessional organization for fresh fruit and vegetables in France. It is responsible for all aspects of the industry, from production to distribution. Through its "Fresh Fruit and Vegetables" website, its mission is to educate and guide the public in the choice and consumption of fresh produce, while promoting the richness and diversity of these essential foods.


As part of its communications strategy, Interfel wanted a digital platform to showcase the industry's professional players and attract more visitors. The major challenge was to transform the site into a genuine reference for the general public, by clarifying content, directing visitors to partner sites and encouraging them to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.


Faced with these image and communication objectives, the priority was to make the site more accessible, particularly on cell phones. The contribution system was simplified to enable regular updates. Thanks to extensive UI-UX work, the product presentation pages were designed to capture visitors' attention, and the recipe cards were enriched.


The "Fresh Fruit and Vegetables" site has become a resource for consumers seeking inspiration and information, with its user-friendly interface and easy access to recipes. This collaboration has not only strengthened Interfel's digital presence, but also solidified its role as an authority in promoting healthy, balanced eating in France.

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