Agence WordPress Be API | Our case studies | BPCE : Creation of an international website factory

BPCE: Creation of an international website factory

Groupe BPCE is a major player on the French banking scene. Comprising multiple entities, including the renowned Banques Populaires and Caisses d'Epargne, the group strives to meet the diverse needs of its customers through a multitude of services.


Against the background of the overhaul of its two websites factories, one dedicated to Banques Populaires, the other to Caisses d'Épargne, Groupe BPCE was looking for a trusted partner to lead this major project. It was a project co-produced with several players, requiring seamless coordination. Given the scale of the challenge, BPCE needed solid expertise to convince its teams of the relevance of WordPress as a tool. What's more, the group wanted to enhance the skills of its in-house technical team, while benefiting from the support of Be API.


Our mission was multifaceted. First, we co-developed the project in SCRUM mode, training and supporting BPCE's technical team. A high-performance, secure Gutenberg theme was implemented. The platform includes our content synchronization module, optimized specifically for the group's needs. We also worked on simplifying contribution for BPCE employees, while managing the challenges of duplicate content and publications over time. The entire project was deployed in a secure cloud environment.


The project was successfully completed on schedule, a feat given the scale of the task. Audience feedback was positive and in line with the group's expectations. Groupe BPCE webmasters have also expressed their satisfaction with the ease of daily use. Although the project is now in the hands of BPCE, our collaboration continues, with us providing support whenever the team needs it.

Art direction tailored to Groupe BPCE entities

Banque Populaire

Caisse d'Epargne

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