Agence WordPress Be API | Our case studies | BNP Paribas : Creation of an international website factory

BNP Paribas : Creation of an international website factory

BNP Paribas, one of the pillars of global finance, is present in many territories with its brand and services.


BNP Paribas' institutional websites, dedicated to each country, carry the dual mission of reflecting the entity while adapting to local specificities. These sites aim to strengthen brand awareness, promote business expertise, facilitate recruitment and meet regulatory requirements. Faced with these challenges, an overhaul was necessary in 2011.


In co-production with the Tequila Rapido agency, Be API took on the challenge of modernizing thewebsite factory WordPress website dedicated to BNP Paribas' institutional sites. Our teams were in charge of graphic design and technical development. In 2023, we undertook a migration to Gutenberg, finalizing a more modern and attractive theme.


Today, Be API continues its collaboration by maintaining and supporting the ongoing evolution of this platform. The platform is fulfilling its image and reputation objectives, and the back office is appreciated by the country teams - the right compromise between flexibility and simplicity, for an optimized contribution.

The project is also being managed by Be API.

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