Agence WordPress Be API | Case studies | BNP Paribas - Assets management : Creation of a website factory

BNP Paribas - Assets management : Creation of a website factory

BNP Paribas Assets Management, a subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, is entirely dedicated to asset management. With a global footprint, this entity manages numerous sites in over 35 countries.


Faced with the complexity of managing a multitude of sites for its brands and subsidiaries, the customer wanted to build an international website factory . The aim was to optimize management and digital production, while respecting the specific local characteristics of each entity.


In co-production with the Tequila Rapido agency and Théodo, Be API designed a solid WordPress website factory , enriched with ReactJS components for a fluid presentation of financial funds. Our major challenge was to develop a synchronization engine enabling the simultaneous distribution of news on all sites, while managing linguistic nuances. Despite a number of challenges, including a rebranding during the course of the project, our team demonstrated its adaptability in handling the technical side of this large-scale project.


The customer has a high-performance system, featuring a news synchronization engine and multilingual content management. During the maintenance phase, Be API ensured a smooth transfer of skills to the BNP Paribas Assets Management team, guaranteeing a confident transition to autonomy.

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